CRM: boosting your sales has never been so easy

Customer relationship management goes beyond technology platforms to include strategy, data analysis, and business objectives. CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) allow the comprehensive management of sales, marketing and customer service, taking advantage of the massification of technology and the personalization of relationships. The use of CRM has grown considerably, with more than 62% of Spanish companies using a CRM to analyze information and commercial purposes.

Hybrid models and the new work paradigm – INFOBAE

The current challenge for companies is to retain talent, since its rotation generates confusion in front of the client. Teleworking, in remote or hybrid format, is a consolidated trend. Companies must focus on rescuing and reviving their corporate culture, promoting regular interactions, virtual meetings and activities outside the office. Flexibility is key to retaining talent, as are strategies like massive virtual events, CEO meetings, and school/university talks. Organizations must focus on their employees, manage their talent and provide effective onboarding.

Intelligent experiences: innovation as a way to increase customer loyalty

Virtual assistants and chatbots offer an efficient and personalized customer experience, anticipating problems and providing solutions. Intelligence applied to the customer experience improves satisfaction and allows insights into the business and consumer behavior. Intelligent, empathetic and personalized experiences are key to satisfying demanding and informed consumers.

Industry 4.0: long live the reign of data

The Industrial Revolutions have transformed society and the economy throughout history. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the use of data and artificial intelligence, with a high level of information exchange. Companies must migrate towards a data-centric relationship model, organizing and understanding information to meet customer needs and optimize information flows. Before digitizing, you need to organize your data.


Zentricx, was summoned by HSBC Bank, based on their optimization needs. Requested the installation and implementation of Viya®, in order to obtain the capabilities provided in the Machine Learning models.
