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Interoperability Project Brings Better Healthcare

Successful case in healthcare interoperability to improve healthcare services in one of the main insurance companies in Colombia, from the implementation of an interoperability solution based on the HL7 FHIR standard (Google Healthcare API) to analytical models and the use of artificial intelligence.

The health industry, in the crosshairs of cybercrime

The rapid digital transformation of the sector exposes it more easily to attacks. Cyber resilience and robust security strategies are the key to curbing serious consequences

Cybersecurity in the spotlight: The great challenge of the financial sector in Spain and Latin America

AI puts even more pressure on the industry's online security. The attacks multiply and diversify. The answer lies in increasingly robust and sophisticated preventive solutions and strategies.

Generative AI puts fifth in depth: the main announcements of Google Cloud Next 2024

Zentricx was present at a new Google Cloud Next, which focused on the main developments around generative AI.

Trends in health technology: what HIMSS 2024 left behind

From medical burnout to closing healthcare gaps and from ethics to success stories, the main uses of AI and how it is radically changing the healthcare industry

Telehealth as a strategy

Solving hard things: How Medifé built stable telehealth services in the midst of a global crisis

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