Big data applied to health: a revolution for the entire health system

Applying Big Data strategies in the healthcare sector has multiple benefits, including making accurate decisions, improving patient experience, and reducing costs. Data collection and analysis can help medical professionals and healthcare administrators make informed decisions about treatments and services. Integrating patient data into a single record enables integrated healthcare, and solutions such as electronic data interchange facilitate interoperability and the secure transfer of clinical information. Additionally, the use of technologies such as chatbots, augmented reality and robotics in healthcare provides additional benefits, improving patient intake, surgical practice and home care. In short, Big Data has the potential to transform healthcare, improving quality and reducing costs.

Paraná Insurance

Paraná called us to develop a comprehensive service platform that would allow its current and potential clients in the agricultural sector to quote and contract insurance, with the differential focus on anti-hail insurance.
The objective of the project was to streamline the process of quoting and contracting agricultural insurance, intended for current and potential clients of Paraná Seguros.
