OIL & GAS 5.0 (ESTATION 5.0)

Our solutions focus on providing our clients with capabilities to optimize operations at Service Stations and Plants.

OIL & GAS 5.0 (ESTACIÓN 5.0)

Nuestras soluciones se enfocan en otorgar a nuestros clientes
capacidades de optimizar operaciones en Estaciones de Servicio y Plantas.

PxQ Consultora

Consultoría y asesoramiento de contenidos en Google Cloud Platform logrando mayor eficiencia.

PxQ Consultora

Consulting and advice on Google Cloud Platform content achieving greater efficiency.

SMEs and Big Data: 4 Pillars to Start 2023 with a Solid Data Strategy

Most Spanish SMEs rely on digitalization and plan to invest in it over the next three years; however, they still need to undergo a digital transformation focused on the efficient management of large volumes of data. Utilizing Big Data strategies can help these companies address issues proactively, generate new opportunities, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer loyalty. However, SMEs face challenges such as integrating different data sources and types, the need to process large volumes of data quickly, and the appropriate selection and preparation of data. To succeed with a Big Data strategy, SMEs must clearly define business problems, select and prepare the right data, store it securely, and perform thorough analysis to make data-driven decisions. The beginning of a new year is an opportune time to implement digital transformation and Big Data strategies, requiring a shift in mindset and strategic focus for these businesses.


Los pacientes y profesionales que forman parte del universo de Medifé cuentan con una plataforma de Telemedicina la cual le permite poner al asociado en el centro de la escena y poder brindarle todos los servicios que hasta el momento le brindaba, sin necesidad de desplazamiento.

Paraná Seguros

Paraná nos convocó para desarrollar una plataforma integral de servicios que permitiera a sus clientes actuales y potenciales del sector agropecuario cotizar y contratar seguros, con el foco diferencial puesto en seguros anti granizo.
El objetivo del proyecto fue agilizar el proceso de cotización y contratación de seguros para el agro, destinado a los clientes actuales y potenciales de Paraná Seguros.


Vista Oil & Gas, determinó realizar la migración hacia los servicios de Google Cloud Platform, siendo Zentricx el partner elegido para dar soporte a dicho proceso.

Paraná Seguros

Paraná approached us to develop a comprehensive service platform that would allow their current and potential clients in the agricultural sector to quote and purchase insurance, with a particular focus on hail insurance. The project´s goal was to streamline the insurance quoting and purchasing process for Paraná Seguros' current and potential clients.


Vista Oil & Gas decided to migrate to Google Cloud Platform services, with Zentricx chosen as the partner to support this process.