
Zentricx, in collaboration with Salesforce's Social Studio, implemented a comprehensive strategy that allowed Farmacity to know user opinions in real time, as well as identify trends, volume and traceability of them.

The Success Story of pharmacy


Farmacity, given the growth of its electronic sales channel, observed the need and importance of knowing the opinions of its clients and potential buyers.
In this way, by obtaining the large amount of data that is available in the digital ecosystem, be able to increase their service levels and guarantee a better user experience. For this reason, it called on Zentricx to analyze it and propose the most appropriate digital platform to achieve these objectives.


Zentricx conducted a comprehensive study of Farmacity's communication channels and social networks and, as a result, implemented the tool»Social Studio» from Salesforce to execute the project.
"Social Studio" is a powerful tool that allows you to simultaneously manage different social networks. With this tool, Farmacity was able to execute an omnichannel strategy, meaning that it was able to interact with users through different communication channels, such as social networks, email, chat, among others.

From the communication point of view, Social Studio allows the planning and execution automatic actions on selected networks and platforms. One of the key advantages of this tool is its ability to provide metrics and data in a practical and accessible way, which would allow Farmacity to obtain relevant information efficiently.


Zentricx, in collaboration with Salesforce's Social Studio, implemented a comprehensive strategy which allowed Farmacity to know user opinions in real time, as well as identify trends, volume and traceability of the same. In addition, the platform facilitated the resolution of queries, suggestions and doubts immediately, providing a quality experience to the customer.
This solution has allowed the Farmacity team to work in an organized manner and control the results of their actions through a single tool.

The implementation of “Social Studio” allowed Farmacity to have greater control and visibility of customer conversations and opinions on social networks.
The tool facilitated active listening to networks, rapid response to user queries and comments, and strategic communications planning.
The omnichannel strategy implemented has brought them closer to their customers, allowing them to listen to them, provide responses in real time, prevent events that could affect their experience and increase the shopping cart on the website thanks to the positive experience.


Farmacity is a company committed to quality and excellence in customer service, health and well-being, as well as the development of the sector and the communities in which it is present.
Since 1997 they set out to create a simple and close experience that contributes to improving people's quality of life. Today they are consolidated as the main medicine retail company and a reference in care, health and well-being issues.
Through their network of pharmacies and diverse value propositions, Simplicity, Get The Look, Farmacity and The Food Market, challenge and work tirelessly to create opportunities and new wellness experiences.


Zentricx is a company that transforms and sees business beyond data (Going Beyond Data-Driven). We think, we innovate, encouraging our clients to rediscover and enhance their products and services.

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