Big Data Applied to Healthcare: A Revolution for the Entire Health System

The application of Big Data strategies in the healthcare sector offers numerous benefits, including precise decision-making, improved patient experience, and cost reduction. Collecting and analyzing data can help medical professionals and healthcare administrators make informed decisions about treatments and services. Integrating patient data into a single record allows for integrated medical care, and solutions like electronic data exchange facilitate interoperability and secure clinical information transfer. Additionally, technologies like chatbots, augmented reality, and robotics in healthcare provide further benefits, improving patient admission, surgical practice, and home care. In summary, Big Data has the potential to transform healthcare, enhancing quality and reducing costs.

3 Trends in Industry 4.0 in Europe

Industry 4.0 faces challenges related to the energy crisis and the perception of inaccessibility for small and medium-sized enterprises. Data management is the starting point for digital transformation, prioritizing its organization and strategic processing. The human factor and customer needs must guide any digital transformation strategy.

PxQ Consultora

Consulting and advice on Google Cloud Platform content achieving greater efficiency.


Zentricx was engaged by HSBC Bank based on their optimization needs. They
requested the installation and implementation of Viya® to leverage the capabilities provided by Machine Learning models.


Artificial Natural Intelligence & Technology Assistant


The Evolution in Document Management.


With the goal of improving investigation times to attract potential clients, Securitas
approached Zentricx for the implementation of a digital tool.

Piscina Natural

Desarrollo de solución híbrida para poder detectar piscinas en distintas regiones

Piscina Natural

Development of a hybrid solution to detect pools in different regions

Big data y las trampas de las correlaciones espurias

En España, se estima que alrededor del 68% de las empresas industriales son consideradas “novatos digitales” o “seguidores digitales”, lo que indica que aún no han adoptado completamente la digitalización en sus negocios y necesitan hacerlo para mejorar su competitividad. Al analizar grandes conjuntos de datos, se advierte sobre el peligro de encontrar correlaciones espurias, donde variables pueden parecer relacionadas sin tener un sentido real o donde una tercera variable podría estar influyendo. Por lo tanto, es fundamental interpretar los datos con cautela, recordando que la correlación no implica causalidad, y ser conscientes de cómo se construyen los gráficos y visualizaciones para evitar conclusiones erróneas.