Industry 4.0: Long Live the Reign of Data

Businesswoman networking using digital devices

Industrial Revolutions have transformed society and economy throughout history. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the use of data and artificial intelligence, with a high level of information exchange. Companies must migrate to a data-centric relationship model, organizing and understanding information to meet customer needs and optimize information flows. Before digitalizing, it is necessary to organize the data.

Focused on their day-to-day operations, industrial SMEs often perceive the transition to the 4.0 paradigm as distant, although it is more accessible than they assume

Spanish SMEs, especially in the industrial sector, have low digitalization penetration and need to invest in technology and change their culture to maintain competitiveness. The Digitalization Boost Plan for SMEs 2021-2025 and European Union funds for digital transformation aim to encourage the adoption of new technologies. SMEs often have a distant perception of Industry 4.0 and make mistakes by thinking it only involves having a website and storing data in the cloud. To unlock the true potential of Industry 4.0, SMEs need a comprehensive combination of technologies and a holistic vision, supported by technology partners and data experts.

The Evolution of Voice Recognition Takes Smart Homes to the Next Level

Voice recognition technologies are advancing in IoT devices, promising to transform the connected home. Since its inception in the 1950s, voice recognition has evolved, achieving notable accuracy by 2018 and accelerating due to the pandemic. By 2023, it is expected that there will be 8 billion digital voice assistants in use, driving a $31.82 billion market by 2025. These systems enable smart home automation beyond device management, incorporating emotion- and context-based interaction, and opening possibilities for new uses.

Is Artificial Intelligence Really That Smart? The Dangers Hidden in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) exhibits biases that can be dangerous for society because machines learn from biased data. These biases can have significant social consequences, such as discrimination in hiring and incorrect labeling of images. However, AI is not inherently bad; rather, proper data selection and corrective measures are required to address these biases. It is crucial to have diverse teams in AI development and to work toward responsible AI by applying techniques like explainability and meta-learning.

Marketing Automation and CDP: Innovate to Grow

Discover how Marketing Automation and Customer Data Platform (CDP) platforms can boost organizations and what the main challenges are for marketing teams.

Sensors and IoT Connectivity Hyper-Personalize the Cosmetics Industry

In the beauty industry, IoT devices are key players in driving change. They have the capability to collect hundreds of skin data points and transform them into real-time, tailored responses and treatments. Beyond simple active ingredients and product offerings designed to enhance appearance and well-being, recent advancements in technology are rapidly changing how brands offer… Continue reading Sensors and IoT Connectivity Hyper-Personalize the Cosmetics Industry

Tourism and Big Data: A Perfect Match

Massive data management has become a crucial ally in enhancing the tourism service offering and facilitating the industry’s recovery after the pandemic. The use of Big Data and management tools allows tourism companies to leverage data as raw material to develop effective strategies and gain a competitive edge. Accurate and holistic data collection, from origin to tourist preferences and behaviors, enables predicting future needs and personalizing services. Moreover, the ability to share and combine data between different entities and organizations provides a more comprehensive view of tourists and facilitates agile decision-making and the development of tailored products and services.

How Big Data is Driving Retail Transformation

The use of Big Data in retail unlocks valuable information about customers and enhances decision-making. It allows understanding purchasing patterns, optimizing inventory, and personalizing customer interactions. Additionally, data analysis helps predict trends, adapt to market changes, and improve customer satisfaction, generating revenue and competitive advantages.


Zentricx, in collaboration with Salesforce's Social Studio, implemented an integrated
strategy that enabled Farmacity to monitor users´ opinions in real-time, as well as
identify trends, volume, and traceability.