Zentricx was engaged by HSBC Bank based on their optimization needs. They
requested the installation and implementation of Viya® to leverage the capabilities provided by Machine Learning models.

Zentricx was engaged by HSBC Bank based on their optimization needs. They
requested the installation and implementation of Viya® to leverage the capabilities provided by Machine Learning models.
Compared to other fields, robotics has particular characteristics because its goal is to enable a physical agent to interact with the real world.
En comparación con otros campos, la robótica tiene características particulares, porque tiene como objetivo permitir que un agente físico interactúe con el mundo concreto.
Zentricx , fue convocado por el Banco HSBC, en base a sus necesidades de optimización. Solicitó la instalación e implementación de Viya®, a efectos de obtener las capacidades que se brindan en los modelos de Machine Learning.