Zentricx was called by Bancor to carry out a project called “Enterprise Architecture Process (EAP)”, which consisted of an analysis of critical business challenges, with the purpose of identifying possible solutions that help the organization achieve its objectives. strategically efficiently.

The Success Story of BANK

Consulting – IT management survey – EAP

Bancor, faced with its continuous technological transformation, called on Zentricx to help organize its improvement initiatives, align business needs and prioritize them in the short, medium and long term. Since innovation is within our identity, we set out to help them understand and visualize all the initiatives underway, evaluate them according to their degree of urgency, and have a clear overview of what was being carried out and everything that was found. outside the scope of the Technology Deputy Management, without leaving aside all those needs that existed but were not yet being addressed.


  • Replacement, integration and technological update.

The Bank of Córdoba called us to carry out a project called “Enterprise Architecture Process (EAP)”, which consisted of an analysis of critical business challenges, with the purpose of identifying possible solutions that help the organization achieve its strategic objectives efficiently.
Within this challenge, the initiatives that the other areas of the business considered outside the IT area had to be redirected within the “Enterprise Architecture Process”. For this reason, it was necessary to establish guidelines to maintain consistency and follow the strategic vision of the Technology Deputy Management for the bank.
At the same time, it was necessary to identify potential risks and areas for improvement, at functional and technical levels.


The main objective of the project was to map all the initiatives generated by the Technology Deputy Management and all business sectors, in order to develop a Functional Systems Map, which reflects the short, medium and long term needs. In this way, recommending to the Technology Deputy Management those paths that provide flexibility and allow optimal alignment with the business, the industry and the regulatory framework.
Zentricx designed a plan to survey all impacted areas, as well as the bank's architecture that supports the applications, and took an overview of the processes to determine how they impact the bank's business needs, recording all initiatives and prioritizing according to several metrics defined together with the client.

To meet the stated objectives, the first step was to execute a discovery process, where all the bank's business areas were interviewed to obtain their input and define the impacts generated by the needs on the clients' health at a financial and financial level. your user experience. At the same time, the current situation was evaluated in the areas of applications, technological infrastructure and their unmet needs (backlog) as well as their future requirements. Finally, all the representatives of the Technology Deputy Management were interviewed to be able to analyze together with them the architecture and infrastructure of the existing systems and the new ones to come, from a whole and then be able to attribute what functionalities the client expected.
each initiative.

In order to accompany the strategic and operational plan of the Technology Deputy Management, our collaborators, during the survey, detected areas of improvement, assigning different levels of priority to each project detected and the pertinent suggestions to address them, in pursuit of achieving their final objective. improve response times to customers and offer them more and better services.
The study led to a final process that included a functional map of systems/applications. Within the roadmap, each initiative could be visualized, associated with a strategic, technological or operations objective.

As a result, a complete, comprehensive and detailed image of the set of technology initiatives was obtained, to then proceed with their prioritization, scope in the short, medium and long term and complete the Maturity Model Matrix, aligning at the end with the bank's strategic objectives.


Bancor (Bank of the province of Córdoba) is a leading regional development bank due to its operational excellence, quality of service and a strong commitment to the progress of the productive sector of the province, the region and society in general. It is the bank of all the people of Córdoba, it is Bancor.
It has a history of 149 years. With a headquarters, which is located in the central area of the city of Córdoba and due to its heritage value, it is declared a National and Provincial Monument.
Bancor's mission is to provide quality, efficient and competitive financial services and products; provide support for the progress of families and businesses; and promote the development of human resources, so that they are references for sustainable management in our community.


Zentricx is a company that transforms and sees business beyond data (Going Beyond Data-Driven). We think, we innovate, encouraging our clients to rediscover and enhance their products and services.

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