Generative AI puts fifth in depth: the main announcements of Google Cloud Next 2024

Zentricx was present at a new Google Cloud Next, which focused on the main developments around generative AI.

By Manuel Allegue, founder and CEO of Zentricx

The advances in generative AI are so rapid that the last Next had been just four months ago, however, the industry is transforming without pause and in leaps and bounds, a fact that I was able to experience in this 2024 edition.

Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, was in charge of presenting the most important news of recent months while the keynote by Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, reinforced how In 2023 the world was just beginning to imagine how generative AI could transform businesses, but today it is a revolution underway. “To continue expanding its opportunities we have to see it in operation with implementations such as agents,” he indicated. 

Fairly, Agents are those who help users achieve specific goals, from online shopping to the health industry and can understand information in different formats: process video, audio and text, connect and rationalize different inputs, learning over time and facilitating business transactions and processes. Logically, this path towards the integration of agents It is the engine of the revolution in infrastructure, models and platforms optimized for AI and most of the announcements revolved around them.

During the conference it was explained how Gemini, Google's AI,  can simplify work tasks by expanding its capabilities to create agents that can code more efficiently using natural language, manage cloud applications, gain deeper insight into data, and more efficiently identify and resolve security threats.

For example, within the framework of Google Workspace, it was presented Google Vids, an AI assistant for real-time video creation, writing, production and editing with useful tools for automatic note taking, translation and message summaries. 

Gemini 1.5 Pro For its part - already available in public preview on Vertex AI, Google's business-focused AI development platform - it was presented as “Google's most powerful and capable generative AI model.” This is a model that supports 1M tokens, 11h of audio, 30k lines of code and up to 700K words. This “text-to-image mode” gets even better with live image creation, advanced photo editing and watermarking.

Another interesting announcement was Vertex AI Agent Builder a new tool to help companies create conversational agents very easily and quickly: “It is possible to instruct and guide them in the same way as humans to improve the quality and accuracy of the models' responses,” he commented. Kurian. To do this, the company uses a process called “grounding,” where responses are linked to an instance that is considered a “trusted source.” In this case, it is based on the Search of Google.

Among the notable innovations is AI Hypercomputer, a “supercomputing architecture” that employs an integrated system of performance-optimized hardware, open software, leading machine learning frameworks, and flexible consumption models. There stands out Google Axion, Google's first custom Arm-based CPU designed for data centers and which they explained “delivers 30 % better performance than other Arm-based instances from competitors like AWS and Microsoft and up to 50 % better performance and 60 % Better power efficiency than comparable X86-based instances.

They were also announced unified multi-cloud databases with new vector search capabilities and support for natural language and access to Google search results, that is, trained models with the latest, high-quality information from Google Search.

The reality is that Gemini's multimodal capabilities integrated with Google products have been the common denominator in practically all sessions but Google also announced a series of new products and functions centralized in AI at the service of cybersecurity such as “Threat Intelligence” that can analyze large portions of potentially malicious code and allows users to perform natural language searches for ongoing threats or indicators of compromise. 

Beyond the centrality of this event and its announcements, it is a reality that generative AI is essential for the transformation of organizations, but at Zentricx we know first-hand that We now need to accompany many organizations to understand the business impact that these solutions have. At this point it is necessary to reinforce both the theoretical part and the implementation and specific use cases of generative AI, having as a horizon the fact that our clients expect tangible returns and concrete results from the investment in this technology.

By Manuel Allegue, founder and CEO of Zentricx

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